Organization Details

Organization Description:
The Division of Forestry and Wildlife protects, manages, and restores natural and cultural resources in collaboration with the people of Hawaiʻi. E mālama kākou i ka ‘āina! We offer a number of online resources for teachers, including lesson plans, classroom guest speakers, and online education resources for your students to explore. Our online resources include videos, StoryMaps, virtual field trips, and profiles of the species, places, and people we work with. Educators can also request outdoor service-learning trips or guided, educational hikes. Visit our education pages at

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Type:
Materials & Resources
Opportunity Title:
Forestry & Wildlife Materials & Resources
Opportunity Description:

The Division of Forestry and Wildlife at the Department of Land and Natural Resources provides an array of resources for educators to connect their students with Hawaiʻi's native species and landscapes. Educators can use these resources together with their classrooms, or independently explore content related to places or species of interest to them. Our Educator Resources include:

We also have a ClimbHI opportunity listed under the Guest Speakers section for in-person or virtual classroom presentations.

Deadline Date: