Organization Details

Organization Description:

Our mission is to prevent, detect, and control the establishment and spread of invasive species threats to the Big Island environment, economy, and way of life. We work island-wide protecting our native forests, communities, and agriculture from new and ongoing threats.

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Type:
Guest Speakers
Opportunity Title:
General Invasive Species Talk: Presentation in-person or virtual
Opportunity Description:

BIISC's team of oputreach specialists brings to your class the story of the arrival of life on the islands, the development of Hawaii's unique ecosystems, and the ways that some introduced species went wild, wreaking havoc on Hawaii's landscapes. 

We have a version of this presentation for all age levels, but we find the concept of invasive species is easier to grasp at a Grade 3 level or above. This is a great introductory presentation and covers the development of life on the Hawaiian islands, the changes set in motion by the arrival of humans, and the modern harms posed by invasive species. There is a focus on providing clear definitions and scopes for the terms native, endangered, introduced, and invasive species. Upon request, we can focus in on a specific species (eg little fire ant), and/or the work that BIISC and partners do to respond to invasive species on the Big Island.

Additional information about the process of evolution using Hawaiian species examples can also be integrated for older students. This presentation can be adjusted to anywhere from 30-65 minutes, depending on your needs.

Deadline Date: