Organization Details

Organization Name:
Organization Description:

The mission of Hui o Ko'olaupoko is to protect ocean health by restoring the aina: mauka to makai.

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Type:
Opportunity Title:
Kaha Native Xeriscape Garden
Opportunity Description:

Kaha Native Plant Garden: This project is a living example of how individual homeowners can help improve the local environment through the use of native vegetation and xeriscape gardens. The project replaced grass and invasive species along 150 yards of stream bank with native Hawaiian plants which can be used for soil stabilization, biofiltration and water conservation. Visitors can walk the garden pathways to see how plantings might appear in their own backyard. Volunteers will be involved in clearing invasive plant species from the area using small hand tools and hand pulling small weeds as we work to open and create areas to outplant native species.

A calendar of upcoming dates can be found at

Participants under age 16 must have adult supervision.
Tools and gloves will be provided
Please wear closed-toe shoes and work clothes that you don't mind getting dirty
Bring at least 2 liters of water and sun/rain/bug protection, change of clothes. Due to health reasons, we will not provide any water or snacks. 
Located within Kawainui Neighborhood Park at 750 Kaha St. (the intersection of Kaha and Kihapai Street, off of Oneawa Street in Kailua)

Our community workdays and volunteer events happen rain or shine!  In the rare event that we would need to cancel a workday due to unsafe weather conditions, we will make every effort to contact all RSVP'd participants and will update our Facebook Page and calendar with the event status no later than one hour prior the scheduled start time.

Check out our other workdates by visiting the calendar page on our website. In addition to our monthly saturday work days we also offer the opportunities for weekday outtings. To join our field staff during the week or to arrange a private service trip or free educational youth visit, please email us at 


