Organization Details

Organization Name:
Organization Description:

Protecting, conserving, and aiding in the recovery of Hawai’i’s native wildlife through hands-on treatment, research, training, science education and cultural programs. Provides state-of-the-art rehabilitation, comprehensive wildlife rescue training and public education & outreach programs.

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Type:
Opportunity Title:
Wings for Wildlife
Opportunity Description:

Are you private pilot willing to help us with inter-island transport?

Many patients that we receive are from neighbor islands, which means that they need to be flown to our facility once they are stable and able to travel. Though we are able to use commercial airlines for transport, we will also put out the call to our Wings for Wildlife team to see if any volunteer pilots would be willing to fly the patient.

Funding that we save by not having to pay for a commercial flight can then be put towards the care of that patient.

For more details, visit our website:

To apply, please email: and write "Wings for Wildlife" in the subject line.
